
Cathryn Boch, Erik Dietman, Linda Sanchez, Sabrina Vitali
4 solos 1 expo

July 2 - August 8, 2020

4 artists with contrasting personalities, no theme but a deliberate juxtaposition: Cathryn Boch - Erik Dietman - Linda Sanchez - Sabrina Vitali. They are all invested in their work in a deeply audacious way, sweeping aside the fashions and diktats they impose: a Tissu de sable (Sand cloth) by Linda Sanchez, like a skin spread out at the centre of the gallery; sewn and stitched papers, maps and planispheres by Cathryn Boch; an oxidized and magnified metallic screen by Sabrina Vitali - the latest recruit of the gallery; a large and abundant drawing by Erik Dietman as well as a selection of bronzes, glasses and ceramics where found objects or everyday objects are intertwined.

Works of great freedom for these 4 solos, freedom that remains the watchword at Galerie Papillon.

PGW_2019_signature-mail_rondOn the occasion of Paris Gallery Weekend
July 2 - July 5, 2020